Growing as We’re Going: By Amy C. and Dylan J.

The following post features student writing.

I chose this summer program because I was looking for a new summer experience. Unlike other summer programs Putney combined two of my interests: traveling and service learning.

One high point of my trip so far was being able to practice my Spanish speaking skills with the locals. I really enjoy being able to communicate as I learn more about Dominican culture.

On this trip I have learned a great deal about cultural integration. In the beginning of the trip, I was initially reluctant to speak to the locals and the children. However, once I had my first conversation with a few girls my age, I connected, and was able to understand them very clearly. From then on I felt more comfortable integrating. I got my hair braided by some local girls, I have played endless games and I look forward to interviewing more local kids about their education system in Spanish for my independent project.

– Amy C.

The reason I chose Putney was because I was looking for service work to do while also improving my Spanish.

My high of the trip was swimming on the PRISTINE beach and when we jumped in a swimming hole named Los Pozos. My low would have to be the realization I faced with what it would be like to live without a cement floor here. My A-HA moment was when I discovered how close knit the community here is and how they really look out for each other.

– Dylan J.