The Last Run: By Tess B., Riley W., and Andrew G.


Tess hanging out with new friends.


Lisa and Leiry at the goodbye party.


Mi Vista Mountain Resort, where we spent our last two nights.


One of SEVENTEEN completed cement floors in La Guazara.


Sun Devil twinning.


Bachata and merengue dancing at dusk at our fiesta de despedida!




We went white water rafting, and it was so much fun. During one of the rapids our guide fell off the raft. I would definitely do it again.

– Riley W.


My name is Andrew G. Putney is cool, and I like it. We went white water rafting, and it was chill. I came to Putney because I love children. I love working with children. People here in the DR are nice, and two weeks went by quickly. I would do Putney again. #WeOut #SquadOut

– Andrew G.


My name is Tess B. and I’m a legend. I am 14 years young, and straight out of DC. I plan to be married on a Saturday; a rainy Saturday. I chose this program because I was informed that it was a surf camp (just kidding). Overall this experience has helped shape me into a more culturally accepting person.

– Tess B.